French lavender essential oils have a multitude of medicinal benefits. You could certainly buy your certified organic French lavender essential oils from a natural health care clinic or natural foods store, but did you know that you can also grow your own? Growing your own French lavender is not that difficult, and here are some reasons why.
French Lavender Is Not Something Deer Will Eat
If you have problems with deer eating everything you plant in the ground outside, take heart. Deer, for whatever reason, seem to have quite the aversion to the taste of lavender. They will leave these flowering bushes alone when you plant them. That means that your French lavender is safe from nibbling deer.
French Lavender Loves Dry, Poor Soil
It cannot be said of most plants that generally prefer some level of moisture and plenty of nutrients, but lavender loves drought and poor soil. One place to grow French lavender successfully is the drought-ridden areas of California, where the heat, sunshine, poor soil, and drought combined make for excellent lavender-growing soil. If you live where the soil is poor, but it is cold for part of the year, you can still grow lavender. Just scoop up a lot of the dirt from outside to plant a lavender bush indoors before the ground freezes. You can choose to transplant your lavender plant back outside in the warm spring, but usually people who experience winter just keep the plant indoors where it is warm enough to grow all year long.
You Can Grow Lavender All Year Long
If you live in any of the hotter, drier Southern states, you could plant a lot of French lavender and grow it all year long. This little flowering bush is typically planted and grown over acres and acres of land in the south of France and parts of the Mediterranean. As long as you can duplicate the right soil conditions, you could definitely grow this hardy bush for months to come.
Keeping It Growing and Blooming
It is not hard to keep lavender growing and blooming if you follow all of the above tips. If you notice that your lavender does not seem as lush, fragrant, or productive, you may need to plant additional plants on either side of the first bush. Since bees and butterflies are naturally drawn to French lavender, you can sit back and relax when it comes to pollination.